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Consultancy & Audits

Audit Systems

Being world class is about satisfying the customer by providing high quality service and products at the right price, delivered on time. In the simplest terms it means having the right capability, organisation, and culture in place. 

Beyond costs, avoided through non-compliance lies an area of further economic opportunity. By applying the principles of Essential Safety Audit System to health, safety and environmental issues within your business, managers can not only reduce its cost but also explore opportunities to improve their performance.

"Essential Safety Audit System" will evaluate any company or organisations health, safety and environmental performance, through a structured audit system that provides a safety plan for continuous improvement towards best practice.

Our auditing system is based on the British Safety Council five-star audit, and the ROSPA Audit System, it incorporates all the criteria to meet OHSAS 18001 and beyond.

We can only have direction and clear set objectives, when we know where we are, it is so important to establish a benchmark. The Audit gives you this benchmark therefore allowing you to set objectives and goals for short-term and long-term benefits.

Our Audit will inspect your management systems and give recommendations and advise to best practice standards. We include an in-depth report with clear notes and guidance to work with while building a safer environment. Within the Audit System we cover 5 main sections and over 70 areas and objectives.

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