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Consultancy & Audits

All Inclusive Systems

Recent changes in legislation mean that every employer must engage a "Competent Person" to ensure the requirements of all relevant health and safety legislation are being met.

Designed for the small to medium size enterprises, this service is ideal for companies that do not have, the in-house skills or competent person to deal with the day-to-day Health and Safety issues.

Based on a 1 to 3-year contract of partnership with the client, Essential Safety will implement a full management system, then control and manage this system. Starting with documentation with Safety Policies and Risk Assessments, through to training and implementation. Leaving you our client, to deal with your business without the worry and problems that Health and Safety bring.

In today's business world, vending the non-hard core Business activities is the key to increased productivity, Health and Safety comes under this non-hard core group. Essential Safety is in the position to take on this role,
and manage the headache that most companies face. Companies do not want, or wish to be in the position of non-compliance or receive the bad press that could come about with poor Health and Safety in the workplace today. Essential Safety will keep the Directors out of jail and the employees out of Hospital.

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